Parochial Church Council Members

The benefice (group of churches) is made up of three parishes, each having their own Parochial Church Council, listed below.  If you were wondering what a PCC is, what it does or how members come to be elected, please see the article at the end.

New Windsor PCC (St John the Baptist and All Saints)

Michael Harding (Churchwarden)
Karen Allott (Churchwarden)
Robin McConnell (Vice Chair, Deanery Synod)
Mary Delaney (Treasurer)
Katy Kerr (Secretary)
Estlyn Davies (Deanery Synod, Safeguarding Officer)
Anne Casson
Ian Mawhinney
Kate McQuillian
John Halsey
Jon Hunt
Margaret Pettitt

Holy Trinity PCC

Steve Holton (Vice Chair, Churchwarden, Safeguarding Officer)
Penny Wells (Churchwarden)
Brandon Mudditt (Treasurer)
Victoria Stevens (Co-opted, Secretary, Electoral Roll Officer)
Mary Skelton (Deanery Rep)
Jane Clark
Richard Cox
Megan Gent
John Hicks
Sally Stevens

St Stephen & St Agnes PCC

Trevor Parsons (Vice Chair, Churchwarden)
Jane Burr (Churchwarden, Deanery Synod Rep, Electoral Roll Officer)
Steve Smith (Deanery Rep)
Ken Bosher
Trevor Kirby
Stephanie Minici
Prem Mandimala
Laura Betteridge (Safeguarding Officer)
Vacancy (Treasurer)
Vacancy (Secretary)


The three parishes are becoming one parish on 1 January 2025 and a meeting to elect eight Churchwardens for the Parish of Central Windsor is being held on 19 January 2025 at 11:30 at Holy Trinity Church (after the Sung Eucharist at 10am).  You can download the form to nominate a warden.  Please ensure the completed form is given to the Rector as soon as possible ahead of the meeting.


From Windsor Church News June 2023

A Quick Word about PCCs!

This year’s Annual Meetings have now been held. Properly called Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCMs), these meetings are legally required to have taken place by 31st May. The meeting is divided into two parts – the first part is the election of churchwardens and the second part receives reports, elects Deanery Synod and PCC members, and appoints the independent examiner or auditor. 

PCC stands for Parochial Church Council. It is a legal body and its members have responsibility for the church and churchyard, and the church’s money. In addition the PCC has responsibility for working with the incumbent (Rector or Vicar) on matters of general concern and importance in the parish, including worship, and promoting the mission and vision of the church. The PCC is an essential part of the governance of the Church of England. Each Parish Church is part of a national and international family and the local leadership needs to be in communication with what is happening in the rest of the national and worldwide Church. 

Each PCC belongs to a group of parishes making up a Deanery. Each Deanery has a Synod to oversee it, led by an Area Dean. Deaneries are grouped together to comprise a Diocese, led by the Bishop and overseen by the Diocesan Synod. Dioceses come together as the national Church at General Synod, meetings of which are held two or three times each year. General Synod is led by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. 

All these governance structures mean that sometimes the wider Church asks PCCs to discuss things at local level, and a PCC can ask the Deanery Synod to discuss an issue. It is like passing business up and down a huge chain. A PCC can ask Deanery Synod who can ask Diocesan Synod who can ask General Synod to talk about a particular matter. So, something that begins at a very local level can end up being discussed nationally. 

In order to serve on a PCC, you must be on the Electoral Roll of that parish and an “actual communicant” member of the Church of England. In our church community in Windsor we have three PCCs: Holy Trinity PCC, Clewer St Stephen with St Agnes PCC and New Windsor PCC (Windsor Parish Church and All Saints). For several years these PCCs have been exploring the possibility of joining together to form a single PCC. At the recent APCMs, the progress made in this process was shared. You can read the full details in the Executive Summary

If you would like to know more about the function of PCCs or if you are interested in becoming a PCC member, please don’t hesitate to speak to me or one of the churchwardens. 

Revd Canon Sally Lodge
Team Rector  

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